Hawkes Bay

Secretary : Rita Verry
15E Omarunui Road, RD3,
Napier 4183.
Phone: 027 677 8584
Email: [email protected]

President: Sue Read,  Phone: 06 844 2975,  Email: [email protected] 

or: Cheryl Lattey,  Phone: 06 8775806,  Email: [email protected] 

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We are the Hawkes Bay Camellia group. We are a very friendly group that welcomes friends and family to all our events. We do not pay a subscription to belong; we do have raffles to cover the costs that we do have. We encourage our members to join the national Camellia Society, that is their choice.


The first meeting of the Hawkes Bay branch was held on September 22 1974. The first mini show was held in 1979, and in 1983 the first full show was held.

2014 National Show held in Hawkes Bay

Friends and family welcome to all activities !

Please note: Programme is subject to change and availability. 

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